Posts Tagged ‘sexual attraction’

Bathtub Symbolism

Cisalis Bathtup SceneEver wonder “Why the bathtubs?” in those Cialis ads? New York Times advertising expert, Stuart Elliot offers this explanation:

“The tubs are symbols of relaxing, taking your time, not hurrying, in that a bath is more relaxing than a shower. They reflected that from the start, Cialis advertising was warmer and gentler than ads for Viagra — more feminine, as it were. Other cues included a color scheme of yellow and pastel green and the name, pronounced ‘See-Alice.’

The differences are meant to underline a basic difference between Cialis and its rivals: while Viagra and Levitra provide a four-hour window during which a man can get and keep an erection, Cialis opens that window to 36 hours.

The continuous presence of women in Cialis ads is a subtle signal that the drug can help them set the pace with their partners, in contrast to the primarily male-driven imagery for Levitra and Viagra. For that reason, Europeans have called Cialis ‘le weekend’ drug. “

Cialis Spoof
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