Can Companies Make $$$ And Be “Green”?

Saratoga Springs resident, Bruce Piasecki has consulted Toyota and HP about the capitalistic benefits of going green. Hear Bruce’s perspective in this interview on the Small Business Advocate podcast.

Click here to learn more about Bruce’s book.

One Response to “Can Companies Make $$$ And Be “Green”?”

  • Jack McHugh says:

    Don’t you see what this whole green business is about? It’s just a way for the democrats to push their far left anti-business, anti-American, anti-military, agenda, just like the feminists. Where were they when the philandering Bill Clinton was using his stature to get laid? They’re only around when it’s something for their party. The Democrat Party. The air is cleaner than when I grew up in the 60’s. So many things have interfered with the US remaining the #1 superpower. Just look at the influence of Silent Spring. Now we have out of control mosquitos in the summer. The west nile virus can be accredited to liberal alarmism. The only time I go green is on St. Patricks Day. It’s not that conservatives like myself don’t like a clean environment. On the contrary, we proaby spend more time in it. Hunting, boating, hiking. You think Sen. Schumer ever fired a Daisy BB gun? He was in some stuffy library learning how to screw the people of NY and get rich at the same time.

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